Donate Now

Thank you for your interest in donating to our fundraiser.

Please fill out the form below to contribute.
Please support our work by making a secure 100% tax deductible donation now.
Cash Contribution
$ .00
Special Appeal
$ .00

As you can imagine, support from our donors is even more vital to our mission to deliver educational opportunities to children who are deaf and hard of hearing.


We invite you to consider a donation to our Special Appeal.  Your donation can have great impact:


  • $100 provides a complete audiology evaluation for one child 
  • $250 purchases 6 months of classroom supplies 
  • $400 purchases a Chromebook (laptop) for one student 
  • $1,000 provides 9 sessions with our Speech Pathologist 
  • $2,000 buys a SoundField speaker and wireless microphones for one classroom 
  • $3,000 provides a new SmartBoard for a classroom 
  • $5,000 pays for a year of Early Intervention services for an infant who is deaf or hard of hearing
  • $10,000 provides financial aid for a preschooler for a full year